First United Methodist ChurchAddress:
310 W 11th Street Pueblo, CO 81003
Phone: 719.544.1917
Email: [email protected]
The applicant must fill out and return to the church office a new Application for Higher Education Financial Assistance form each year on or before July 1. Please download the application to a device, fill out electronically and then attach to an email for the church office staff.
Scholarships are awarded yearly.
First United Methodist Church requests the recipient to commit to a 50% financial payback within 10 years after completing college or trade school and after becoming gainfully employed. The remaining 50% of this obligation should be paid back by assuming leadership in a church and community.
By completing the application you agree to covenant with the church as indicated in the above statement.
Scholarship Form:
First United Methodist ChurchAddress:
310 W 11th Street Pueblo, CO 81003
Phone: 719.544.1917
Email: [email protected]
- Higher Education Financial Assistance is available to College or Trade School students.
- The applicant, or a parent (or guardian) with financial responsibility for the applicant, must be a current member of First United Methodist Church of Pueblo, CO.
The applicant must fill out and return to the church office a new Application for Higher Education Financial Assistance form each year on or before July 1. Please download the application to a device, fill out electronically and then attach to an email for the church office staff.
Scholarships are awarded yearly.
- Checks are distributed to the student in two payments, the first at Fall semester and the second at Spring semester.
- A copy of your most recent school transcript must be included with the application and again before Spring semester checks are distributed. See transcript requirements.
- The student must achieve a 2.00 or better grade point average (GPA) and be in good academic standing at their school each semester in order to continue receiving the scholarship.
- Full-time students must complete at least 12 credit hours with passing grades each semester (or Full-time undergraduate credit load as stated by the school.)
- Part-time students must take at least half of a Full-time credit load to be eligible for a scholarship. Part-time awards are less than Full-time awards.
- Transcripts must show the student name, school name, course grades, credits achieved and grade point average for each semester and the cumulative GPA.
- Transcripts for continuing students must include the two most recent semesters attended. First-time applicants need either a high school or college transcript from their most recent school.
- Unofficial transcripts are acceptable. For Spring award submission only: grade reports, course lists or similar documents which show course credit hours, grades and GPA achieved in the Fall semester are acceptable in lieu of a transcript.
First United Methodist Church requests the recipient to commit to a 50% financial payback within 10 years after completing college or trade school and after becoming gainfully employed. The remaining 50% of this obligation should be paid back by assuming leadership in a church and community.
By completing the application you agree to covenant with the church as indicated in the above statement.
Scholarship Form:
310 W 11th Street
Pueblo, CO 81003
[email protected]
© First United Methodist Church - Pueblo
All rights reserved
Pueblo, CO 81003
[email protected]
© First United Methodist Church - Pueblo
All rights reserved